If not one way there is always another way to do things. The global pandemic COVID has shown us that even the virtual way of work will get you through. The increase in number of video conferences has shown that the new application Zoom has fetched heights to bring people closer. With not just helping businesses run, Zoom has now helped the LGBTQ community.


Chad and Paul Beanblossom are both dads and granddads. Paul fathered three children, prior to the couple’s five-year marriage, and those kids have since had offspring of their own. But now, the family is expanding with Michael, the 17-year-old that the pair legally adopted over a Zoom call.
Chad said that they fostered Michael earlier when Michael’s mother died. He said that Michael had been with nine different families over a span of 5 years and that he had once ran away from a family. Chad said that there were almost 80 people on the Zoom conference call including their entire family, friends and their adoption specialist.


Chad said that Michael took over their hearts. He said, “Michael taught us just as much, if not more than we have him. Our whole world revolves around Michael.” Chad said that when Michael requested them adopt him, they were more than happy and accepted immediately. The Department of Child Services, Tennessee said that the Beanblossom couples have been together for 5 years and they have been a great advocating for Michael and they have given him opportunities much more than any other foster parent. Michael will be starting his senior year of high school this year.


Adoption has been always tough for Gay couples. Even if the adoption services accept to get the best for the couple, complications arise when the process starts. But recent developments in understanding the LGBTQ community across the world has given hopes for gay and lesbian couples to adopt kids and have their own family,

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