The Power of Mercy – A graphic novel based on a queer woman who happens to be a butt-kicking superhero. The digital book is available on e-commerce websites priced at Rs. 450. The 64-page comic is the first book that focused on a lesbian superhero. This was something that the world of superheroes missed.
The Power of Mercy is authored by Fiona Zedde, a Jamaican author. The comic introduces the character of Mai Redstone with an ability to shapeshift. As a shapeshifter, Mai Redstone did not need a costume as she was able to create a new feature every single time.

Power of Mercy

Mai drifts as a Superhero under the name Mercy. The book portrays Mercy in love with another female character. The book is reviewed as an action comic as it shows minimal romance and Mai as a Superhero.


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