King Bhagiratha who is referred to be the responsible for bringing down the Earth from Heaven was born to two women. King Dilipa had two wives. After his demise, the widows gave birth to Bhagiratha. In the 14th century A.D. same-sex relation and same-sex parenting was considered miraculous and a monstrous conception and punishment given by god to humans.


It was the Love, Sex or both between the widowed co-wives that gave birth to Bhagiratha. After King Dilip’s demise, the two wives who were ardent devotees of Shiva, asked for a child who can look after the kingdom. Shiva, in their dreams told them that if both the women have a sexual relationship with each other and one of them will become pregnant and can rise the kid as Dilip’s heir.


In the puranas, it is said that when a man has two wives, the women commit themselves to not only live with the husband but also to live with his other wives. As the relationship between Bhagiratha’s mothers are explained in the context of marriage, it shows that the emotion of love and joy, the cowives developed feelings and attraction for each other. The birth of Bhagiratha from 2 female shows that Homosexual & Bisexual relationship did exist in the 14th century.



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