Star Trek – an American sci-fi television series was first aired in 1966. The lead role played by Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner. The Star Trek – Original series had won more than 10 international awards. After the Original series, The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine are the next best series of Star Trek.

Star Trek

Star Trek had always depicted heterosexual characters. The series has tried to depict bisexual relationship with the inter-species characters. The Star Trek’s eighth series ”Picard” which was launched this year runs around the storyline focusing on the effects  of the destruction of the android Commander data. Though the series has offered the best for sci-fi fans, the series laid low on LGBTQ+ representation.
Michael Chabon, the writer of Picard recently engaged with his Instagram followers through and Question & Answer. A question was raised if the fans will see any LGBTQ representation in Season 1 of Picard. The fans also said that there is lack of LGBT representation in the season 1 of Picard.

Star Trek

 Chabon answered to the question stating, “You’re right, there has been a relative lack of emphasis there. Our characters’ sexualities, or rather our understanding of them, emerged and evolved over the course of the season, as our actors moved into and began to inhabit their roles.It was an organic process, and references to sexual identity and history arise in a less explicit way. Next season that understanding will come more fully into play.”

Star Trek

Picard – the star trek series is about the future generation, apart from the involvement of gay actor Jonathan Del Arco, the show does not even have a hint of queerness in the series in the first 3 episodes released till now.


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