Never Have I EverThe new Netflix show ‘Never Have I Ever’ created by Mindy Kaling is a hit. Devi Vishwakumar, an Indian girl is a student who plays the harp in high school. She dreams of going to Princeton University as she is a nerd with a rock-solid sense of self-worth. Her two friends being ones obsessed with robotics and Drama club, she hasn’t had much time to explore out of the box.

Never Have I Ever

Mindy Kaling has portrayed the protagonist Devi Vishwakumar as a ‘typical Indian teenage girl’ who has not had more than her first kiss. Throughout the series, Kaling reminds us of all the stigma and stereotypes attached with the Indians. With not just expressing the life of Devi, an Indian in America, the show also focuses on her nerd friend who creates a robot and comes out to the robot that she is gay.

Never Have I Ever

Never Have I Ever

In the first episode, when Devi and her friend decides that they will get boyfriends soon for their sophomore year, Devi tries to hit on the most popular boy in her school and asks him to have sex with her.

Never Have I Ever

In this series, Devi Vishwakumar is not been portrayed as the needy South Asian – Indian teenage girl; though dramatic emotions of her family may who are  only interested in education and wedding. Devi meets a therapist as she lost her father suddenly, she is advised that it is not necessary to start a serious relationship and it is alright to have casual sex.

Spoiler Alert:

Never Have I Ever tells us the story of the first generation of an Indian-American teenager. The show depicts a scene where Devi is visited by her cousin Kamala. It is very obvious that with the names that the family is from South India. Mindy Kaling added a cherry on top with all the Indian stereotypes portrayed by stating that all South Indian will know someone with the name Kamala.

Never Have I Ever

Devi and Kamala discusses about how embarrassing it is to be Indian. Starting from what their mothers talk and do to random relative advising and discussing about wedding which is not even planned to happen. Kamala asks Devi while watching the Riverdale series if the characters are all high schoolers as they are having casual relationships. Devi explains to her about the American teen series and how the lead casts are actually older than their mothers.

Never Have I Ever

Though Never Have I Ever was not a series that was much expected on Netflix, after its release has made desis all around the globe to drop the jaw and go crazy as it is relatable.


Watch the Trailer Here!







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