Disclaimer: Alcohol will not reduce the risk of any virus. Alcohol consumption is injurious to health.
With COVID-19 spread and all restaurants & bars shutting down, your weekend plan of partying is now officially cancelled. After all, Social Distancing is good for a while! Now, do not forget the lines ‘alcohol will prevent you from flu or cure your cold.’


Gaurish Rangnekar, a mixologist (certified trainer from Bartending school) came up with a cocktail that is described by him and his team of mixologist as ‘anti flu.’ Gaurish is also the founder of Barmobile- a mobile bartending service. The anti-flu cocktail is named as ‘Honey I shrunk the kids’ derived from a Hollywood movie.


The cocktail’s main ingredient is Honey, a strong anti-oxidant and Whisky which helps in blood circulation (only when taken with prescribed limits) which helps in fighting common cold.
Here is the recipe of Ragnekar’s anti flu cocktail – Honey I Shrunk the kids:
Ingredients: Turmeric, Honey, Lime juice, Whisky (your preferred brand and flavor)
How to make?
Stir Honey with Turmeric powder and Fresh lime juice in a glass. Add 10 ml of whisky to the mixture along with ice cubes.
Adding soda or any other aerated drinks could have a loss in its medicinal value!
*We do not encourage people below 21 years of age to try the anti-flu cocktail.


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