Ola and Uber have Trans woman drivers

Saradha Natarajan

With the mobile apps taking over the process of booking cabs for transportation, though the drivers are registered with the company, it has been unsafe for many. The number of crimes against women passengers by cab drivers has sky rocketed. Though the profession is male dominated, Meghna Sahoo and Rani Kinnar became Uber and Ola cab drivers.Like others, Sahoo and Kinnar have faced too many discriminations but got accepted as cab drivers after crossing several hurdles.
Meghna Sahoo
Meghna Sahoo
Sahoo is an MBA graduate in the field of HR and Marketing and is also a social activist from Bhubaneswar. Ola was skeptical about letting a transgender to register with them. But, Sahoo, with support from higher officials of Ola became their first transgender woman cab driver.
Rani Kinnar
Rani Kinnar
Kinnar was an auto-rickshaw driver earlier. Kinnar was encouraged to become part of UBER by an ex-cab driver from the LGBTQ+ community. Kinnar is a five-star-rated cab driver because of her behavior and respect towards customers. Reports state that women passengers claim they feel safe and comfortable travelling with the transgenders.


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