Sonam Kapoor’s fashion always stands out not only in Bollywood but all over the world’s praises. She herself owns a fashion brand, Rheson, along with her sister Rhea.We can easily identify that the duo’s fashion game is up each time they step out.
Sonam Kapoor
Cannot fight with the tag that Bollywood beauties are fashionistas, Sonam is an actress whose fashion statement never fails a mention. Recently, Sonam Kapoor for the 7th anniversary of Bhaane she wore a yellow plated midi-skirt with an oversized jacket and the shoes that costed the most.
She had put on the ivory-coloured Bottega Veneta heels which costs around Rs. 59,350. Though the heels were just a footwear, the attention given to it shows that it is a deep subject of fashion. Owning a Bottega Veneta has become a trend itself.
Sonam Kapoor's Style
In an interview, Sonam said that she had been asked by other celebrities on what she was wearing and complained on how much they pay their stylists. Sonam said that she does not have a stylist and it is either her or her sister Rhea who decided on what to wear. Sonam said that though an actress, one’s individuality of their dressing or fashion sense matters more than anyone else’s.
Sonam'S Bottega Veneta


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