Actor Sameera Reddy said that parenting is the only role you play with no script in place. She said that parenting is not as easy journey with kids of the 2020 generation. While speaking on a podcast “Raising Parents’ of JioSaavn which is for the new parents who are facing the expectations and challenges in parenthood.
Sameera Reddy was the first guest on the show. During the interview, she said, “Parenting is not an easy journey with the 2020 generation. It’s the only role you play with no script in place. Right from getting your child to sleep through the night, to equal parenting, to raising a picky eater, body shaming, to rediscovering yourself after motherhood is all exhausting and few speak about it,”
She added that there are so many parents who face this day in day out. She said that being aware alone does not help in overcoming the situation. “With the Digital platforms helping on these topics to connect so many parents across the country gets us through,” she said.
Sameera Reddy is a former Indian actress who primarily starred in Hindi-language films. She has also appeared in a few Telugu, Tamil Kannada and Malayalam-language films. She gave birth to two children Hans Varde and NyraVarde.