Thursday, May 16, 2024

Sexual Orientation – Who is Gay and Who is straight?

Home Forums Straight Sexual Orientation – Who is Gay and Who is straight?

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    I mostly see the words like Straight, Gay and Bisexual is used but how do you decide where you fall under? Is there some category test or question that we get answers from? I like the opposite sex so I am straight. But, how do I know that this is my sexual orientation without having doubts. How can I say that this is my need when I do not understand where and how I belong?


    Sexual Orientation has lot of categories apart fro the LGBTQ. Even under straight there is classifications based on Sexual and Romantic attractions. Being straight does not only mean that we like opposite gender. There are other set of guidelines as well.


    The word heterosexual itself means that the sexual orientation is straight and we like the opposite gender. Attraction or Love towards the opposite gender.

    Sam, could you tell the guidelines because I think there is only one rule that passes as a straight.


    Being straight depends on which gender you like the most. As a straight person we might like both men and women but with which gender we are attracted more sexually draws the line clearly.


    The guidelines I meant fall under the social behavior, sexual attraction and romantic attraction of the person.  A straight person is sexually attracted towards the opposite gender but they might be romantically attracted towards their own gender. Example, a girl might be more close with her friend who is girl and have a great bond. A lot of us identify this as friendship but study says that the comfort increases between the individuals because of developing a relationship romantically that is either subconscious or unknowing But the girl might not be attracted to her sexually. So this decides that the person is straight.


    Heterosexuality is decided just based up on your sexual attraction towards the opposite gender. No other parameters necessary to classify as straight

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